About Our Ministries
Worship Services
Our Sunday Morning worship begins at 11 a.m. In a world of churches that offer “contemporary” worship services, we recognize that many people still value, appreciate and seek a more traditional worship service. We offer traditional worship but still one that is fresh and alive that offers a variety of music types through hymn singing, anthems presented by our chancel choir and various soloists. These musical forms can range from classic high church hymns, to traditional, gospel, spirituals, and yes even the contemporary music of the day.
Special worship services are also held in conjunction with other area churches at Thanksgiving, Holy Week and Easter Sunrise. In addition to these we have specially focused worship services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. These services are generally focused on the sacrament of Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) and all people are invited to attend and all Christians regardless of church affiliation are invited to participate in the sacraments when served.
We offer “Children’s Church” activities during the latter half of the Sunday Morning worship service and we provide a nursery for those who need and desire it.
Bible Study and Education
We have the classic Sunday school each Sunday morning at 10 a.m. We offer three adult classes, a young adult class, and classes for children and teens and also nursery.
On Sunday Evenings at 6 p.m. we offer BIBLE ALIVE! This series continues a more in depth study of the Bible.
Wednesday evening service at 6:45 P.M. offers another opportunity for learning. This series continues a more in depth study of the previous Sunday morning worship and sermon themes.
Service Opportunities
MISSIONS AND OUTREACH – The mission arm of the church is the Cumberland Presbyterian Women’s Ministries (CPWM). This organization is responsible for organizing an promoting various missions and ministries at the local, national and international levels. They meet twice a month. One meeting is a ministry meeting and the other is strictly for fellowship.
CHANCEL CHOIR – Our chancel choir is expertly led by Mr. Lonnie Knight. The chancel choir adds to the beauty and joy of our worship services and also leads in special services at different times of the year. If you love to sing praises to the Lord, there is a place for you in the Talbott Chancel Choir.
SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY – On the third Tuesday of each month we hold a worship service at Lifecare Nursing Home in Jefferson City at 7 p.m. This event is always well attended by residents of Lifecare and also by our church members.

SMALL GROUP MEETINGS – We have small groups that meet at different times for various purposes including fellowship, extra-biblical studies and book reviews, a prayer group and the aforementioned CPWM ladies night. A Men’s Fellowship group is being planned.
FAMILY NIGHT – Family night is a big event at Talbott Church. On the last Sunday evening of each month, we gather for food, fun and fellowship at 6 p.m. During warm weather we are generally outdoors for a cookout at the Sander Pavilion and we often play a variety of lawn games. In colder weather we meet in the fellowship hall and generally play board games. We also will at times make expeditions to go fishing and have a picnic and go to Tennessee Smokies Baseball games for our family night celebrations.
QUARTERLY FELLOWSHIP MEALS – We also have fellowship meals following worship once a quarter; although the time of these meals will vary dependent upon holidays or other special activities of the church.